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Wednesday, May 21, 2014


1.Panteon is situated in Rome.
2.This construction is a circular temple built in Rome in the early Roman Empire.
3.Panteon is built in the early Roman Empire dedicated for all the gods.  In the city, is known as “la Rottonna” and the name of the square where is situated is “la Rottonna” too.  The author of this temple was Marco Vipsanio Agripa.
4.This type of construction was very typical in the architecture of the time but it was one innovation in the Roman architecture. The construction is constituted for large round room attached to the gantry of a classical temple and this one was an innovation.
5.Inside the Panteon you can see a copula. This copula is more peculiar that the others.  The copula of Panteon is opened and you can see the sky and when it’s raining the rain passes into but never flooded because the floor has holes through which water passes.
6.This type of temple we don’t have in Barcelona. We have a lot of monuments, but we don’t have a temple like the Panteon.

7.I like the Panteon, but I think that in Roma there are a lot of monuments more beautiful and more important. I like the Panteon because is very peculiar. 
Mónica Navarro Nebot

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bridge of Saint'Angelo

1-Bridge of Saint’Angelo, Rome.
2-Bridge near the Vatican City, and near the castle that bears its name.
3-Near the Vatican City. The bridge and the castle began to build in the 135 by the emperor Adriano, and in the 139 was finished by Antonino Pío.
4-The bridge was built with the castle. They have been modified several times, but we could talk about Gregorian art.
5-Since the 1906 is used as a touristy part of Rome.
6-The art of Rome is not very similar to Spain, but I can compare the angels in the bridge with the Cathedral or with the Sagrada Familia.
7-The feeling that I get with this monument is peace and quiet, this monument also takes me to the ancient history.

Judith Pérez Cazalilla

Thursday, May 15, 2014

St. Peter's Basilica

1. St. Peter's Basilica located within Vatican City
2. A large church where the pope often says mass
3. The building was completed in the 1600s and it's the largest Christian church in the world with a capacity of 60,000+
4. Both the interior and exterior of the church were absolutely stunning. Works of Michelangelo and Bernini could be seen there. The ceiling of the church (which you can see in the picture below) was my favorite part. 
5. It's a place where you can celebrate or remember the one's you've lost. It's also a place where you can get together with like-minded people.
6.I knew nothing about this church before visiting it but it was really old and Italians seemed to respect the building and it was really important to them.
7.Even if it was full of tourists when we were there, it was peaceful and quiet. You could stroll throught the church and unwind.

-Eveliina Rimmi

Monday, May 12, 2014


1.Sant Pietro in the Vatican City.
2.Basilica and town where the Pope lives.
3.The Vatican City, officially the State of Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. It has 900 inhabitants and was built in 1929.
4.In the Vatican there is a lot of Catholic artwork. Also in the church we can find Popes exposed. Michelangelo made ​​the arch of the Sistine Chapel.
5.The Vatican is where the Pope lives. The Vatican City is also home to the Holy See, highest institution of the Catholic Church. The highest authority of the Vatican and boss of the state is the high priest, and may be is the only theocracy in Europe.
6.There is no similar construction in Spain. The Vatican is a beautiful and elegant structure that contains many details and monuments.
7.I liked it because it was something I had always seen on TV but I had never been there. When I saw it I felt so smaller in front of its huge monument and columns. The best was to see exposed the Pope Joan XXIII, which gives name to my school in Spain. 

Judith Pérez Cazalilla

Fontana di Trevi

1.Fontana di Trevi, Roma
2.It is the most ambitious and most famous of the baroque monumental fountains in Rome.  It Is located in the rione of Trevi.
3.The source is located at the junction of three roads (tre vie) marks the terminal point of the Aqua Virgo (Italian: Acqua Vergine), one of the ancient aqueducts that supplied water to Rome. With the alleged help of a virgin
4.Bernini's lasting contribution was to change the supply situation across the square to remain against the Quirinal Palace. Though Bernini's project was scrapped in favour of Nicola Salvi, many touches in the fountain as it was built. There is also a striking and influential former model made by Pietro da Cortona.
5.The landscape of Fontana de Trevi its realy beatifull but always have a lot of people and its really funny.
6.In Spain we have a lot of fountains but we don’t have a very famous fountain. We have also a fountain where people throw some money but its not very famous. 
7. I really liked this fountain. It is very funny to throw money, and people make videos and photos. 

 Gisela Montañés.

Colosseo di Roma

1.Colosseo di Roma 
2.Colosseo  is an amphitheatre  very famous and beautiful. When you arrive there for the first time and you see the big amphitheater is  impresionant.
3.The Colosseum is an amphitheater of the period of the Roman Empire, built in the first century and located in the city centre of Rome. For conservation and history, the Colosseum is one of the most famous monuments of classical antiquity. It was declared a World Heritage Site in 1980 by UNESCO. In ancient times had a capacity of 50 000 spectators, with eighty rows of bleachers.
4.The Roman Colosseum was perhaps the greatest work of Roman architecture, and in it the most varied construction techniques were used. It’s very big and impressionant, it’s a really good monument to visit.
5.The colosseo have a nice landscape and its really beautifull.
6.This type of monuments in Spain we don’t have. We have a lot of monuments but are very differents like this.
7. I like a lot this monument because I haven't seen anything like this and, when I first saw it, I was impressed by all the people coulod be there and haow big it was. I liked most than other monuments in Rome.

Gisela Montanés

Sunday, May 11, 2014


  1. The Colosseum (the Flavian Amphitheatre) is located in the centre of Rome, Italy.
  2. It is an amphitheatre and the main monument of Rome.
  3. Construction began under the emperor Vespasian in 70 AD, and was completed in 80 AD under his successor and heir Titus. These emperors are known as the Flavian dynasty, and the amphitheatre was named in Latin for its association with their family name (Flavius).
  4. The Colosseum is the largest amphitheatre in the world. It is an ancient building built of concrete and stone.
  5. The Roman architects and builders designed the Colosseum to provide the biggest arena in the world capable of holding between 50,000 - 80,000 people. It was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology. The Colosseum is an iconic symbol of Imperial Rome. It is one of Rome's most popular tourist attractions and has close connections with the Roman Catholic Church, as each Good Friday the Pope leads a torch lit  "Way of the Cross" procession  that starts in the area around the Colosseum.
  6. 100,000 prisoners were bought back to Rome as slaves after the Jewish War and built this monument.
  7. These impressions and feelings are long lasting. It surprised me how beautiful and extremely magnificent the Colosseum is.